Location: Keriva Counselling
448 Burwood Road
Hawthorn VIC 3122

Spiritual Companioning

Nicky is now very pleased to able to offer Spiritual Direction (also called Spiritual Companioning) as part of her practice.

Nicky’s practice and current training is in spiritual direction that is:

  • biblical,
  • trinitarian
  • contemplative


What is Spiritual Direction/Spiritual Companioning?

Spiritual Direction is an ancient practice where a Spiritual Director/Companion meets regularly with the directee to help them pay a special kind of attention to their relationship with God. The director creates a space to aid the directee in noticing… noticing what is happening in themselves, and what the indwelling Holy Spirit may be doing.

It is thought that the practice began in early monastic communities around the 6th Century.  Since the 1970s, a resurgence of interest in spiritual direction has occurred in the wider Christian church. This includes evangelical branches that have also been rediscovering it, along with other spiritual disciplines/practices such as rule of life, prayer retreats, Sabbath, fasting, etc.

In a spiritual direction session we slow down to pay this special attention to your actual, lived experience of relationship with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We slow down to notice what the real God may be saying to your real self, whatever state you may be in.

In a spiritual direction session, after some initial questions or some discussion of what you want to ponder there is usually quite a bit of time of structured silence. The idea is to make room and pay attention to what the Lord might be saying, and/or what is happening in the soul and heart.

We notice any gentle invitations or beckoning by the Lord that may be there for you as is beloved child and disciple. We then reflect on these things together. Spiritual direction is a contemplative experience.

In this process we often find that some change in how we see God, and how we think He sees us, happens. This is part of His ongoing work in us, helping us to grow to become more and more like His Son, Jesus Christ. (Romans 8:29)

Spiritual Direction sessions are usually scheduled in approximately a monthly rhythm.

Nicky is a student member of the Evangelical Spiritual Directors Association (ESDA).  She is currently studying with SELAH (part of Leadership Transformations Inc).

Whilst Nicky is a student, there is no fixed fee for Spiritual Direction, but you are welcome to make a donation to this ministry.


Further Enquiries

If you would like to enquire further about spiritual direction please email Nicky directly here.


Prayer Resource

Nicky has also created a prayer resource and toolkit with songs and a short eBook called

Overcoming Barriers to Prayer

Click here for more information or to download the resource.